Bratwurst [ BRAHT-wurst;
BRAHT-vursht ] is German sausage made of pork and veal
seasoned with a variety of spices including ginger,
nutmeg and coriander or caraway ( regions of German
make and season their bratwurst differently ). Though
it is now available precooked, bratwurst is generally
found fresh and must be well grilled or sautéed
before eating. It can be roasted (Roast Bratwurst; rost
bratwurst), boiled (usually in beer), grilled, panfried,
and much more. It can be eaten with mustard, grilled
or sauteed onions, grilled or sauteed peppers, sauer
kraut, but is best naked. If you are on the go in Germany
Roast Bratwurst (rost bratwurst) is served on a bun
called broetchen, usually with senf (aka spicy german
mustard) from a local Imbiss (food stand). In most cases
it is served with a side order of pommes frites (french
fries) and mayo. At a home in Germany it can be served
with kartoffeln salad (german potato salad), rote kohl
(red sauer kraut), amd many other sides.