Featured Sponsor Bremen is an old Hanseatic League trading city and Germany’s second largest port after Hamburg. Bremen was founded about 787AD. By the 13 century it was a properous trading town and in 1358 it became a member of the Hanseatic League. It emerged with the German Confederation in 1815. It is located on the east bank of the Weser river. Although heavily damaged during World War II, it still retains a nice town square with an ornate Renaissance town hall and cathedral (don’t miss the mummies in the basement). Nearby is the life-sized bronze statue of the city’s most famous residents—the Bremen town musicians (a rooster, cat, dog and donkey), heroes of a Grimm Brothers’ story. The city deserves at least a half-day visit, just so you can walk around—be sure to stroll among the old houses and art galleries of the Botcherstrasse and Schnoorviertel areas. 55 mi/88 km southeast of Hamburg.
Bremen town musicians from Grimms Fairy Tales
Airports/Bus/Trains/Transportation to and around Bremen
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