Linguaphone Linguaphone Linguaphone proven method - Listen, Understand, Speak.- has helped more than 7 million people learn a new language in a natural and easy way. Start with basic phrases and become fluent in conversation, it is surprising how quickly a second language becomes second nature if you put the time and effort and of course use the right learning material. Linguaphone offers you the possibility to learn a language for holidays, business, travel or education, and you can be sure there's a course to suit your needs. They have developed a number of brand new products, so you can learn via PC, on the move, relaxing on the beach or at home - whatever suits you best. We recommend you spend some time reviewing some of their products below: Video Dialogue The combination of video, audio and written material makes this product a well all rounder for those of you who would like to become fluent in a short space of time.
You will learn in this course how to read, speak and write the German language. Furthermore it includes 500 practical, everyday German words and phrases. You will have the possibility to perfect your accent by listenting to native speakers too. With more than 2,000 practical everyday Spanish words and phrases and the combination of books, audio and computer based training your will able to learn how to speak, read and write the Spanish language by listening to native Spanish speakers.
This course offers more than 500 practical, everyday Spanish words and phrases and you will learn how to speak, read and write the Spanish language while listening to native speaker. The course is perfect for those going on holdiday and want to use the language.